masculism Tweet Definition of masculism Like Definition of masculism on Facebook
  1. A belief in the superiority of men or the masculine.
    • 1983, Sheila Ruth, quoted in Judith Evans (1986), Feminism and Political Theory, ISBN 0803997051, page 70:
      Fascism, fully revealed, is the extreme, exquisite expression of , of patriarchy, and thus the natural enemy of feminism, its quintessential opposite.
    • 1997, Nalini Persram, "In my father's house are many mansions", in Black British Feminism: A Reader, ISBN 0415152887, page 213:
      It often takes a crisis of some sort to initiate the difficult but empowering feminist process of renegotiating the masculisms that dominate the discourses of origin, authenticity and belonging in a way that transforms margins into frontiers, lack into (ad)vantage.
    • 2004, Thomas Schatz, Hollywood, ISBN 0415281350, page 73:
      The Rocky-Rambo syndrome puts on display the raw which is at the bottom of conservative socialization and ideology.
    • (rfv-sense) A social theory or political movement supporting the equality of both genders with each other in all aspects of public and private life.

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