Unknown; sometimes considered to be a contraction of the title Dark Lord of the Sith, or a blend of dark and death.
Within the Star Wars universe it has been explained as a renaming after the eponymous Sith Lord w:Darth Andeddu|Darth Andeddu.
- Star Wars A Sith Lord. Used attributively, as a title: Darth Vader.
- Very rarely used as a name on its own.
- Also, by extension, for any frighteningly evil person, or one seen as directly responsible for distinctly negative events.
#: Because of their boss's lack of respect for them, the employees referred to him as "Darth Phil."
1977: Star Wars
1999: David G Messerschmitt, Understanding Networked Applications 1
2000: Antonio Mendez, The Master of Disguise 2
2002: Star Wars Episode II
2005: John Illig, Pacific Dream 3
2005: Star Wars Episode III
See also
Darth Maul
Darth Sidious
Darth Vader
Wookieepedia:Darth|Wookieepedia article