Image:Location European Union.svg|thumb|right|240px|European Union members as of 2007
Image:EUenl-EU27.png|thumb|right|240px|European Union members as of 2007 (smaller scale)
From European "of Europe" + union|Union
IPA|/�j��ɹ��pi��n �ju�nj�n/
en-proper noun|sg=European union|Union
- A supranational organisation created in the 1950s to bring together the nations of Europe into closer economic and political connection. At the beginning of 2007, 27 member nations were Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
1992 � w:Maastricht Treaty|Maastricht Treaty
1996 � w:John Major|John Major, s:EU Beef Ban and the Florence European Council|EU Beef Ban and the Florence European Council
trans-top|The European Union
Armenian: ÔµÕ¾Ö�Õ¸ Õ�Õ«Õ¸Ö�Õ©ÕµÕ¸Ö�Õ¶ (Yevro Miutyun)
Bosnian: Evropska unija f
Breton: Unaniezh Europa
Bulgarian: �в�опей�ки ���з
Catalan: Unió Europea f
Czech: �vropská unie f
Danish: Europæiske Union
Dutch: Europese Unie f
Estonian: Euroopa Liit
Finnish: Euroopan unioni
French: Union européenne f
German: Europäische Union f
Greek: �����α�κή �ν��η (Evr�paik� En�s�) f
Hebrew: ������ ���ר�פ� (ha-Ikhud ha-Eropi) m
Hungarian: Európai Unió
Icelandic: Evrópusambandið n
Interlingua: Union Europee
Irish: Aontas Eorpach
Italian: Unione Europea
Japanese: 欧å·�é�£å�� (ã��ã��ã��ã��ã��ã��ã��ã��ã��, Å�shÅ«rengÅ�), ã�¨ã�¼ã�ã��ã��é�£å�� (-ã��ã��ã��ã��, yÅ�roppa rengÅ�)
Korean: ì� ë�½ì�°í�©
Latvian: Eiropas Savienība f
Lithuanian: Europos S�junga
Maltese: Unjoni Ewropea
Norwegian: Europeiske Union
Polish: Unia Europejska f
Portuguese: União Europeia f
Romanian: Uniunea European� f
Russian: �в�опей�кий �о�з (jevropejskij sojuz) m
Slovak: Európska únia f
Slovene: Evropska unija f
Spanish: Unión Europea f
Swedish: Europeiska unionen
Turkish: Avrupa Birli�i
Volapük: Yulopayum
See also
zh-min-nan:European Union
de:European Union
et:European Union
el:European Union
fr:European Union
fy:European Union
hu:European Union
pl:European Union
fi:European Union
tr:European Union