commercial at
- The symbol @, read "at", used to denote per unit price:
#: 3 apples @ 2¢ (each)'
- This symbol used in e-mail addresses to separate the domain name from the rest of the address.
#: [email protected]
at symbol
rfc-level|Translations at L4+ not in L3 POS section (AutoFormat? would have corrected level of Synonyms)
Basque: a bildua
Bulgarian: klyomba/kliomba, maimunsko a
Dutch: apenstaartje
Finnish: ät-merkki, miuku-mauku (slang) <!--belongs under Finnish entry ("the miaow sign")-->, kissanhäntä (slang) <!--belongs under Finnish entry literally "cat�s tail") -->
French: t|fr|arrobe|f
German: Klammeraffe
Interlingua: a commercial
Italian: chiocciola f
Lithuanian: eta
Portuguese: arroba f
Romanian: arond n, coad� de maimuţ� f <!--belongs under Romanian entry (literally "monkey-tail") -->
Slovak: zaviná� m (2)
Spanish: arroba f