- psychology The sum of all interactions between a person and the environment.
- biology The sum of all interactions between genes and their environment.
2001: The term genome, though comparatively recent, is now widely understood to refer to the total genetic complements of living organisms, and genomics to mean the study of their structure and functions. Envirome (or environome) has been proposed as a corresponding term for the totality of environmental conditions and processes that impinge upon human health and influence the risks for mortality and morbidity, and enviromics by analogy to denote the study of such influences. — Andrew T. A. Cheng, FRCPsych, Brian Cooper, FRCPsych, in The British Journal of Psychiatry (2001) 178: s1-s2
2003: Two speakers at the symposium suggested with some amusement that science has entered the world of the "environome" - a contraction of the Environmental Genome Project. — 'Environome' Studies Gain on Leukemia, Cardiovascular Disease National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences press release, April 16, 2003
2003: Genetics is entering a golden postgenomic era, in which the structure and function of the entire genome will eventually be known. In contrast, there is no 'environome' project. Indeed, there are no laws of environmental transmission and there is nothing like a simple triplet DNA code. — American Psychological Society ''Observer'' Volume 16, Number 10