The etymology is the subject of speculation, with hypotheses ranging from derivation from a combination of glom and jump to an acronym of "Grab, Latch On, Maintain Pressure". No authoritative etymology exists, however.
- context|slang|transitive to embrace enthusiastically; to pounce on and hug, often from a running start. Generally feminine or childish in nature.
#*1996 Mar 23: RpM?-acct2/5, Surreal World pt 3 [fanfic][Ranma/UY/Nuku/Tenchi/SM/A!MG/KOR], <tt>rec.arts.anime.stories</tt>, 1
#*:Ryoko zoomed in for the glomp when suddenly she got glomped herself.
#*2000: KATHYNEW, Re: Ranma Fanfiction Cliches (draft), <tt>rec.arts.anime.fandom</tt>, 2
#*:Nope. Every instance he's near her he tries to glomp her. If she shows affection to Ranma, he attacks Ranma.
#*2002: cb, Re: Dead end jobs, <tt>alt.support.shyness</tt>, 3
#*:Girls would ask for people to glomp them and dish them out, even to complete strangers. The most recent one I was at, there were several girls wearing huge signs that read "GLOMP ME!", one of them being a former date I had that turned out really badly.
#*2002: Soffia Parry, Re: ATTN: STRYDER167, <tt>alt.fan.dragonball</tt>, 4
#*:I like your name, for some reason it makes me want to glomp you
#*2006: starcade, With spoilers abounding, Kaleido Star Grand Finale discussion..., <tt>rec.arts.anime.misc</tt>, 5
#*:Can I glomp Sora's and Rosetta's voice actresses?? Please??
Category:English transitive verbs