Blend of man and animal
- informal A fanciful life form that is part human and part beast; a creature recognizable as human but possessing physical or primitive behavioral characteristics that are exclusive to animals.
#*2004 January 1, Christopher Miles, �Kori Newkirk; the project�, Artforum International Magazine
#*: Standing naked against a wintry landscape, the figure became a screen for the projection of identities--beast, bigfoot, manimal, specter, even, to use a word Newkirk's work encourages one to use in all its dangerousness, spook.
#*2006 February 1, Paul Z. Myers, Pharyngula, ScienceBlogs?
#*:President panders to anti-manimal lobby! Dr Moreau flees country in rage!
#*2006 February 4, Charlie Pierce, Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!, National Public Radio
#*:Two years ago we were going to Mars, and that sort of didn't happen...and now there's, like, manimal.
- context|slang|by analogy A person compared to such a creature, especially an unkempt and uncivilized, or strong and sexually aggressive man.
#*2004 January 1, Michael Burnett, �Tumyeto army�, Thrasher, High Speed Productions, Inc.
#*: Layton smacked his head hard on a front feeble, but bounced back up to get the make. That kid's a manimal.
#*: "Oh, he's so on the team," Diego kept saying.
i-c|individual macho man