wikipedia|Lunar letters
- One of fourteen Arabic letters that do not affect the pronunciation of the "L" of a preceding definite article (ARchar|-ا�). The "L" in the Arabic definite article is pronounced "L" when followed by a moon letter: e.g., ARchar|ا��رآ� = al-Qur�an. The fourteen moon letters are:
::ARchar|Ø£ , ARchar|ب , ARchar|ج , ARchar|Ø , ARchar|Ø® , ARchar|ع , ARchar|غ , ARchar|Ù� , ARchar|Ù� , ARchar|Ù� , ARchar|Ù� , ARchar|Ù� , ARchar|Ù� , ARchar|Ù�
:The remainder of the letters are sun letters, which do affect the pronunciation of the definite article.
lunar letter
Category:Arabic language
ru:moon letter