Comes from couch potato and a computer mouse.
[Mouse Po-ta-toe]
:(US) SAMPA:/MaUs [email protected]@U/
mouse potato
- A person who spends excessive amounts of time using a computer.
1994 - Ruth Shurman - Me and my Gizmo: No. 8 in The Guardian (14 July 1994)
:Lady Miss Kier is a mouse potato. 'I wake up, I go and turn the computer on before I wash my face or brush my teeth. I'll be sitting there in my underwear, and before I know it, four hours have passed. Then I pick up the phone, push some more buttons and the food delivery arrives, and then 16 hours have passed in front of the computer. It leaves you completely drained.'
2001 - Aniruddho Sanyal - The Trini Trinity Is Found On De Line in The Times Higher Education Supplement (7th December 2001)
:The internet, the authors say, affords the average mouse-potato the opportunity to experience a Naipaul-esque enigma of arrival in far-away lands without ever leaving the shores of Trinidad.