- internet To post, as on a forum, to revive a long inactive discussion thread.
#*2003 January 5, Louis M. Brown, Usenet, <tt>alt.tv.star-trek.enterprise</tt> 1
#*:Much like your power of necroposting a thread long considered dead.
#*2005 February 23, Chris Hafner, Usenet, <tt>alt.sports.football.pro.sea-seahawks</tt> 2
#*:After being away from Usenet for a few days (apologies for the necroposting), I had some time to think about this.
#*2005 June 6, Richard V. Lamb, Usenet, <tt>rec.arts.anime.misc</tt> 3
#*:I'm a moderator at a realiiity TV forum and necroposting is tolerated there so long as it isn't a sore topic that the mods hoped people would ignore