- context|archaic|rare ownership
#* 1576, Abraham Flemming (translating w:Peisistratos (Athens)|Pisistratus), A panoplie of epistles
#*: I Alone, of all the Graecians, haue not obteined the estate of a Monarche by extertion, neither haue I taken any thing, that was not mine owne by vsurpation: for I am by byrth, a Cecropian, I challenge that vnto me by right of ownage, ...
- slang triumph or domination
#* 2004, w:Veronica Mars|Veronica Mars (TV, episode 1.04, w:The Wrath of Con|The Wrath of Con)
#*: "Ownage!" "Hey, it�s not ownage. I�m on your team!"
- baseball When one player has a history of domination over another player.
#* Smith is just 1-27 lifetime against Jones. Jones has real ownage over him.