pizze p
- plural of|pizza#English|pizza
#*1938: Giuseppe Orioli, Adventures of a Bookseller, p321
#*:�they manufacture the detestable tarts called pizze, very popular in this part of the world.
#*1957: Armando T. Perretta, Take a Number, p82
#*:Twice a week his mother baked bread, and twice a week there were pizze fritte for breakfast instead of cocoa and stale bread.
#*1973: Maria-Antonietta Macciocchi et alii & Partito Comunista Italiano, Letters from Inside the Italian Communist Party to Louis Althusser, p121
#*:The city seemed like one gigantic fry-shop, with �zeppole�, �pizze� and �calzoni� sizzling on every street-corner.
#*1999: Elizabeth David, Italian Food, p115
#*:The variety of pizze is immense. The true Roman pizza, for instance, is made with onions and oil, no tomato.
#*2000: Matthew Evans, Italy: World Food, p2
#*:The most exquisite pizze are cooked in a forno a legna (woodfired oven).
#*2004: Anna Del Conte, The Classic Food of Northern Italy, p203
#*:Umbria is rich in paste, pizze, savoury torte, minestre and polenta dishes.
pizze f
- plural of|pizza#Italian|pizza|lang=Italian