en-noun|sg=third person|-
#In grammar, the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is not the audience or the one making the statement. In English, pronouns used with the third person include he, she, it, one, they, and who.
#:"Is" is the third person singular of "to be"
#A form of narrative writing using verbs in the third person in order to give the impression that the action is happening to another person.
Danish: tredje person
Dutch: derde persoon m
Finnish: kolmas persoona
French: troisième personne
German: dritte Person f
Icelandic: þriðja persóna f
Italian: terza persona
Japanese: �人称 (�������, san'ninsh�)
Norwegian: Tredjeperson
Portuguese: terceira pessoa
Romanian: persoana a treia
Russian: ��е��е ли�о (trét�je litsó) n
Slovak: tretia osoba f
Spanish: tercera persona
See also
fourth person
Related terms
first person
second person
zh-min-nan:third person
id:third person
ru:third person
tr:third person