(US) thousand one, one thousand one, a thousand one<br>
(UK) thousand and one, one thousand and one, a thousand and one
Cardinal number
w:Arabic Numerals|Arabic numerals: 1001
w:Roman numerals|Roman numerals: MI
*Last: thousand, 1000
*Next: thousand two, 1002
thousand one
- US thousand|One thousand plus one.
- The ordinality of an element whose predecessor is thousandth; usually called thousand-first (US) or thousand-and-first (UK) but sometimes number thousand one (US) or number thousand and one (UK).
- (informal usage) A great number.
#:Example: I have a thousand and one things to do today.
French: (1) mille un; (2) mille et unième , (for things in a sequence, such as pages) mille un, (exception: The Thousand and One Nights: Les Mille et Une Nuits); (3) mille et un m, mille et une f
Italian: (1) mille uno; (2) millunesimo m, millunesima f, (for things in a sequence, such as pages) mille uno
1. The figure 1001
French: mille un m
Italian: mille uno m