zakat |
| noun
- (Islam) almsgiving, one of the five pillars of Islam
zen |
| noun Zen
- a denomination of Buddhism
zendo |
| noun
- A hall at a Zen buddhist monastery where formal seated meditation (zazen) is practiced.
zikr |
| noun
- an Islamic prayer whereby a phrase or expression of praise is repeated continually
Zoroastrian |
| noun
- A follower of Zoroastrianism
- Relating to or characteristic of Zoroastrianism
Zoroastrianism |
| proper noun
- General usage: Religion and philosophy based on the teachings ascribed to the prophet w:Zoroaster, Zoroaster. Also referred to as Zoroastrism and
- Mazdaism: religion in which w:Ahura Mazda, Ahura Mazda is the supreme divinity;
- Parseeism (archaic): religion of the w:Parsi, Parsees of the Indian subcontinent, for centuries believed to be the only surviving community of Zoroastrians.
- Scholastic usage: identifies the religion as it exists today, as distinguished from earlier forms of the religion. (see Related terms, below).