Ice age |
| noun ice age
- Any of several cold periods in the history of the earth marked by episodes of extensive glaciation alternating with episodes of relative warmth
igneous |
| adjective - Pertaining to, having the nature of, fire; containing fire; resembling fire; as, an appearance
- (geology) Resulting from, or produced by, the action of great heat; with rocks, it could also mean formed from lava/magma; as, granite and basalt are rocks
infiltration |
| noun
- The act or process of infiltrating, as of water into a porous substance, or of a fluid into the cells of an organ or part of the body.
- The substance which has entered the pores or cavities of a body.
- The act of entering a physical location and/or organization secretly.
interglacial |
| adjective
- Of or pertaining to a period between ice ages
intratelluric |
| adjective
- (geology) Relating to or situated in the interior of the Earth.
intrude |
| verb (intrud, ing)
- to enter without permission
isostasy |
| noun - (geology) the buoyancy of the Earth's continents floating on the magma