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eastern Tweet Definition of eastern Like Definition of eastern on Facebook
adjective Eastern
  1. Of, facing, situated in, or related to the east
  2. (of a wind) blowing from the east; easterly
  3. (loosely) oriental
elect Tweet Definition of elect Like Definition of elect on Facebook
  1. (uncountable) (theology) In Calvinist theology, those foreordained to Heaven.
  • Antonym: reprobate
  1. (transitive) To choose or make a decision (to do something)
  2. (transitive) To choose (a candidate) in an election
  1. (context, used only after the noun) Who has been elected in a specified post, but has not yet entered office.
He is the President-.
elected Tweet Definition of elected Like Definition of elected on Facebook
  1. (past of, elect)
electioneer Tweet Definition of electioneer Like Definition of electioneer on Facebook
  1. To campaign for an elective office, on one's own behalf, or on behalf of another, particularly by direct contact.
Elector Tweet Definition of Elector Like Definition of Elector on Facebook
  1. A German prince entitled to elect the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
electoral Tweet Definition of electoral Like Definition of electoral on Facebook
adjective Electoral
  1. of, or relating to elections
  2. composed of electors
electoral college Tweet Definition of electoral college Like Definition of electoral college on Facebook
  1. a body of electors empowered to elect someone to a particular office
  2. such a body chosen to elect the president and vice president
electorate Tweet Definition of electorate Like Definition of electorate on Facebook
  1. The collective people of a country, state, or electoral district who are entitled to vote.
    The votes have been counted and the has spoken.
  2. The geographic area encompassing an electoral district.
    The of Finchley borders on the electorate of Much-Binding-in-the-Marsh, splitting the new housing estate of Royal Cupolas.
  3. The dominion of an Elector in the Holy Roman Empire.
    Fredrick the Great, Elector of Brandenburg and King of Prussia, commanded the most powerful in the Empire.
elephant Tweet Definition of elephant Like Definition of elephant on Facebook
  1. A mammal of the order Proboscidea, having a trunk, and two large ivory tusks jutting from the upper jaw.
  2. (figurative) Anything huge and ponderous.
eligible Tweet Definition of eligible Like Definition of eligible on Facebook
  1. suitable; meeting the conditions; worthy of being chosen
embassy Tweet Definition of embassy Like Definition of embassy on Facebook
noun (embassies)
  1. The function or duty of an ambassador.
  2. An organization or group of officials who permanently represent a sovereign state in a second sovereign state or with respect to an international organization such as the United Nations.
The American embassy to France is located in Paris.
  1. The official residence of such a group, or of an ambassador.
enfranchise Tweet Definition of enfranchise Like Definition of enfranchise on Facebook
  1. To grant the franchise to an entity. Generally meaning to grant the privilege of voting to a person.
entente Tweet Definition of entente Like Definition of entente on Facebook
  1. An informal alliance or friendly understanding between two states.
entitlement Tweet Definition of entitlement Like Definition of entitlement on Facebook
  1. the right to have something
  2. something that one is entitled to (or believes that one is entitled to)
  3. (politics) government payments that are guaranteed to a segment of the population, such as the Pell Grant and social security in the US.
  4. As good as a process can get without capital investment. Alt. A perceived "right to demand." Opposite of a gift, in that it is without appreciation. A "you owe me" obligation for which, I owe nothing in return.
envoy Tweet Definition of envoy Like Definition of envoy on Facebook
  1. representative
  2. diplomat
  3. messenger
  4. a short stanza at the end of a poem
EOB Tweet Definition of EOB Like Definition of EOB on Facebook
  1. Explanation of Benefits
ERA Tweet Definition of ERA Like Definition of ERA on Facebook
  1. (baseball) statistic for "Earned Run Average" which equals the number of earned runs allowed per nine innings pitched.
  2. w:Equal Rights Amendment, Equal Rights Amendment
  3. electrically reconfigurable array
establishment Tweet Definition of establishment Like Definition of establishment on Facebook
  1. The act of establishing; a ratifying or ordaining; settlement; confirmation.
Since their of the company in 1984, they have grown into a global business.
  1. The state of being established, founded, etc.; fixed state.
The firm celebrated twenty years since their by updating their look.
  1. That which is established; as a form of government, a permanent organization, business or force, or the place where one is permanently fixed for residence.
Pedro's is a fine serving a variety of delicious food.
Exposing the shabby parts of the .
  1. (slang) The establishment: the ruling class or authority group in a society; especially, an entrenched authority dedicated to preserving the status quo.
It's often necessary to question the establishment to get things done.
etatism Tweet Definition of etatism Like Definition of etatism on Facebook
  1. Total control of the State over an individual citizen.
executive Tweet Definition of executive Like Definition of executive on Facebook
  1. A title of a chief officer or administrator, especially one who can make significant decisions on his own authority.
  2. That branch of government which is responsible for enforcing laws and judicial decisions, and for the day-to-day running of the state.
  1. Designed or fitted for execution, or carrying into effect.
extremism Tweet Definition of extremism Like Definition of extremism on Facebook
  1. extreme ideas or actions
extremist Tweet Definition of extremist Like Definition of extremist on Facebook
  1. a person who holds extreme views, especially one who advocates such views; a radical or fanatic
  1. holding extreme views, especially on a political subject
  2. of, or relating to extremism

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