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Glossary of Ichthyology - Fish Terms
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cabezon Tweet Definition of cabezon Like Definition of cabezon on Facebook
  1. A California fish (Hemilepidotus spinosus), allied to the sculpin.
callop Tweet Definition of callop Like Definition of callop on Facebook
  1. an Australian freshwater fish, Macquaria ambigua; the golden perch or yellowbelly
cardinal tetra Tweet Definition of cardinal tetra Like Definition of cardinal tetra on Facebook
  1. a freshwater fish, of the family Characidae, native to rivers in South America, popular as an aquarium fish
carp Tweet Definition of carp Like Definition of carp on Facebook
noun (plural: or carps)
  1. Any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae, especially the common carp, Cyprinus carpio.
  1. To complain about a fault; to harp on.
catadromous Tweet Definition of catadromous Like Definition of catadromous on Facebook
adjective (wikipedia, fish migration)
  1. (context, of a migratory fish) that lives in fresh water and breeds in the sea
catfish Tweet Definition of catfish Like Definition of catfish on Facebook
noun (pl=catfish, pl2=catfishes)
  1. Any fish of the order Siluriformes, that are mainly found in freshwater, have no scales and with barbels like whiskers around the mouth.
caudal fin Tweet Definition of caudal fin Like Definition of caudal fin on Facebook
  1. The tail fin of a fish and other aquatic vertebrates.
Chimaera Tweet Definition of Chimaera Like Definition of Chimaera on Facebook
  1. (greekmyth): Fantastical monster in Lycea with the head of a lion, goat and serpent which vomited fire. Killed by the hero Bellerophon.
Chinook Tweet Definition of Chinook Like Definition of Chinook on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. (uncountable) A Native American language of the Penutian family of Oregon and Washington.
chub Tweet Definition of chub Like Definition of chub on Facebook
  1. A species of freshwater fish of the Cyprinidae or carp family.
chum Tweet Definition of chum Like Definition of chum on Facebook
  1. A friend; a pal.
I ran into an old from school the other day.
  1. A roommate.
verb (chum, m, ed)
  1. To make friends with; to socialize.
cichlid Tweet Definition of cichlid Like Definition of cichlid on Facebook
noun (plural cichlids)
  1. Any of many tropical fish, of the family Cichlidae, popular as aquarium fish.
cisco Tweet Definition of cisco Like Definition of cisco on Facebook
  1. Any North American freshwater fish of the genus Coregonus or Leucichthys that live in cold water lakes
clingfish Tweet Definition of clingfish Like Definition of clingfish on Facebook
noun (plural or clingfishes)
  1. A small marine fish of the family Gobiesocidae which has a sucking disc on its underside that it uses to cling to rocks and seaweed.
coalfish Tweet Definition of coalfish Like Definition of coalfish on Facebook
  1. any of several blackish fish, especially the pollack or sablefish
cockscomb Tweet Definition of cockscomb Like Definition of cockscomb on Facebook
  1. The fleshy red crest of a rooster
  2. A red cap once worn by court jesters
  3. An annual garden plant, Celosia cristata, having showy red clusters of flowers
  1. (archaic) A conceited dandy
  2. (nautical) A serrated cleat once fitted to the yards of a square-rigged ship and used when the sail was being reefed
codfish Tweet Definition of codfish Like Definition of codfish on Facebook
noun (countable and uncountable; plural )
  1. (countable) A cod (the fish).
  2. (uncountable) The flesh of the cod as food.
coelacanth Tweet Definition of coelacanth Like Definition of coelacanth on Facebook
  1. A species of deep-water fish of the Indian ocean, Latimeria chalumnae, thought until 1938 to have been extinct for 70 million years.
coho Tweet Definition of coho Like Definition of coho on Facebook
  1. An anadromus and semelparous salmon, Onchorynchus kisutch, found in the coastal regions of the northern Pacific Ocean. It is used as a symbol by several Native American tribes
coney Tweet Definition of coney Like Definition of coney on Facebook
  1. A rabbit, especially the European rabbit (Lepus cuniculus).
cracker Tweet Definition of cracker Like Definition of cracker on Facebook
  1. A dry, thin, crispy, and usually salty or savory biscuit.
  2. A short piece of twisted string tied to the end of a whip that creates the distinctive sound when the whip is thrown or cracked.
  3. A firecracker.
  4. A person or thing that crack, cracks, or that cracks a thing (e.g. whip cracker; nutcracker).
  5. A Christmas cracker
  6. Refinery equipment used to pyrolyse organic feedstocks. If catalyst is used to aid pyrolysis it is informally called a cat-cracker
  7. (chiefly, UK) A fine thing or person (crackerjack).
She's an absolute ! The show was a !
  1. (computing) A person who cracks, (i.e. overcomes) computer software or security restrictions to enable unrestricted use or for malicious purpose.
crappie Tweet Definition of crappie Like Definition of crappie on Facebook
noun (crappie)
  1. A member of either of two related North American sunfish species. Both are silvery-white with black speckles, and prized as gamefish.
cycloid Tweet Definition of cycloid Like Definition of cycloid on Facebook
noun (plural cycloids)
  1. (geometry) The locus of a point on the circumference of a circle that rolls without slipping on a fixed straight line.
  2. (zoology) A fish having cycloid scales.
  1. resemble, Resembling a circle; cycloidal.
  2. (zoology) (of fish scales) Thin and rounded, with smooth edges.
cyclostome Tweet Definition of cyclostome Like Definition of cyclostome on Facebook
  1. any of various primitive jawless fish, of the class Petromyzontida, such as the lamprey or hagfish

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