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tang Tweet Definition of tang Like Definition of tang on Facebook
  1. (rare) A coarse blackish seaweed (Fuscus nodosus).
  2. A strong or offensive taste; especially, a taste of something extraneous to the thing itself; as, wine or cider has a tang of the cask.
  3. (figurative) A sharp, specific flavor or tinge.
  4. A projecting part of an object by means of which it is secured to a handle, or to some other part; anything resembling a tongue in form or position.
  5. The part of a knife, fork, file, or other small instrument, which is inserted into the handle.
  6. The projecting part of the breech of a musket barrel, by which the barrel is secured to the stock.
  7. The part of a sword blade to which the handle is fastened.
  8. The tongue of a buckle.
  9. A sharp, twanging sound; an unpleasant tone; a twang.
  10. A group of saltwater fish from the Zebrasoma genre, also known as the surgeon fish, see w:Tang (fish), Wikipedia
tarpon Tweet Definition of tarpon Like Definition of tarpon on Facebook
  1. Any of several fishes of the family Elopidae or Megalopidae, especially a large silvery game fish.
teleost Tweet Definition of teleost Like Definition of teleost on Facebook
  1. such a fish
  1. of, or relating to the Teleostei - fish with bony skeletons
tench Tweet Definition of tench Like Definition of tench on Facebook
noun (plural or tenches)
  1. a species of freshwater game fish, Tinca tinca.
tetra Tweet Definition of tetra Like Definition of tetra on Facebook
  1. any of several species of small South American freshwater fish of the family Characidae; popular in home aquaria
thresher Tweet Definition of thresher Like Definition of thresher on Facebook
noun (plural threshers)
  1. One who or that which threshes.
  1. A modern farm machine for threshing.
  2. A now-obsolete hand tool for threshing, also called a flail.
    1. A large pelagic shark of genus Alopias that has a very long tail.
tiger Tweet Definition of tiger Like Definition of tiger on Facebook
  1. A large carnivorous animal (Panthera tigris) of the cat family indigenous to Asia.
    • "Save the Tiger Fund", Dedicated to providing information to help preserve the remaining five subspecies of tigers. News, research, a kid's section, and a live tiger cub cam feed... - 21k - 14 Apr 2006
      1. (context, South African, dated, _, but still used) A leopard.
    • 1976, Sir Percy Fitzpatrick: Jock of the Bushveld p.251. Longmans ISBN 0582161231. (First published 1907).
      "Jim rearked irrelevantly that tigers were 'schelms' and it was his conviction that there were a great many in the kloofs round about."
      1. (US, slang) A person (especially a man) very who is very athletic during intercourse.
tiger shark Tweet Definition of tiger shark Like Definition of tiger shark on Facebook
  1. A large shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, common in the mid-Pacific, that hunts alone and has dark stripes across its back.
tilapia Tweet Definition of tilapia Like Definition of tilapia on Facebook
noun (pl2=tilapia)
  1. Any of various edible fish, of the genus Tilapia, native to Africa and the Middle East but naturalized worldwide.
    • 2006: Well I dined last night with Scarface Ron / On fishcakes and fried black swan " Tom Waits/Kathleen Brennan, "Bottom of the World"
Tinker Tweet Definition of Tinker Like Definition of Tinker on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. a northern English occupational surname for someone who mends pots and pans
trevally Tweet Definition of trevally Like Definition of trevally on Facebook
noun (trevallies)
  1. An edible Australian fish of the genus Caranx
trout Tweet Definition of trout Like Definition of trout on Facebook
noun (pl=trout, pl2=trouts)
  1. Any of several species of fish in Salmonidae, closely related to salmon, and distinguished by spawning more than once.
Many anglers consider to be the archetypical quarry.
  1. (context, UK, pejoratives) An elderly woman of dubious sensibilities.
Look, you silly old ; you can't keep bringing home cats! You can't afford the ones you have!
  1. bland, Bland and without individuality; like a drone.
trunk Tweet Definition of trunk Like Definition of trunk on Facebook
  1. The (usually single) upright part of a tree, between the roots and the branches.
  2. A large suitcase, usually requiring two persons to lift and with a hinged lid.
  3. torso, Torso.
  4. The extended and articulated nose or nasal organ of an elephant.
  5. (context, US, automotive) The luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car.
  6. (context, US, telecommunications) A circuit between telephone switchboards or other switching equipment.
tuna Tweet Definition of tuna Like Definition of tuna on Facebook
noun (plural tuna or tunas)
  1. any of several species of fish, of the genus Thunnus, in the family Scombridae.
  2. the edible flesh of the tuna
  3. a type of cactus native to Mexico
  4. the fruit of the cactus
turbot Tweet Definition of turbot Like Definition of turbot on Facebook
noun (pl=turbot, pl2=turbots)
  1. Any of various flatfishes of family Scophthalmidae that are found in marine or brackish waters.

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