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Glossary of Machining Terms
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key Tweet Definition of key Like Definition of key on Facebook
  1. An object designed to open and close a lock.
  2. An object designed to fit between two other objects (such as a shaft and a wheel) in a mechanism and maintain the orientation between them.
  3. A crucial step or requirement.
the to solving this problem...
the to winning this game
  1. A guide explaining the symbols or terminology of a map or chart.
The says that A stands for the accounting department.
  1. One of several small, usually square buttons on a typewriter or computer keyboard, most of which generally correspond to a particular character.
Press the Escape .
  1. One of a number of rectangular moving parts on a piano or musical keyboard, each causing a particular sound or note to be produced.
  2. One of various levers on a musical instrument used to select notes, such as a lever opening a hole on a woodwind.
  3. (music) A hierarchical scale of musical notes on which a composition is based
the of B-flat major
  1. A device used to transmit Morse code.
  2. (cryptography) A piece of information (e.g. a passphrase) used to encode or decode a message or messages.
  3. (computing): In a database, a field of a relation constrained to be unique.
  4. (computing): In a database, a field in a record that is used as a search argument (but is not necessarily unique).
  5. (computing): A value that uniquely identifies an entry in an associative array.
  6. (basketball): The free-throw lane together with the circle surrounding the freethrow line, the freethrow lane having formerly been narrower, giving the area the shape of a skeleton key hole.
He shoots from the top of the .
  1. (slang): kilogram
  1. To fit (a lock) with a key.
  2. To fit (pieces of a mechanical assembly) with a key to maintain the orientation between them.
  3. (telegraphy and radio telegraphy) To depress (a telegraph key).
  4. (radio) To operate (the transmitter switch of a two-way radio).
  5. (computing): (more usually to key in) To enter (information) by typing on a keyboard or keypad.
Our instructor told us to in our user IDs.
  1. (colloquial) To use a key as a tool of convenience.
He keyed the car that had taken his parking spot.
  1. Indispensable.
He is the player for his soccer team.
He is the witness.
  1. Important, salient.
She makes several points
knockout Tweet Definition of knockout Like Definition of knockout on Facebook
noun (wikipedia, dab=knockout (disambiguation), knockout)
  1. The act of making someone unconscious, or at least unable to come back on their feet within a certain period of time; a TKO.
The boxer scored a on his opponent.
  1. (informal) Something wildly popular, entertaining, or funny.
If you've ever had a sack race, you know it's a real for kids and adults alike.
  1. (informal) A very attractive person, especially a beautiful woman.
    • 1995, Rhonda K. Reinholtz et al., " Sexual Discourse and Sexual Intercourse," in P. J. Kalbfleisch and M. J. Cody, eds., Gender, Power, and Communications in Human Relationships, p. 150,
    • :Phrases such as "she bowled me over," "she's striking," and "she's a " suggest that the woman affects the man in ways he cannot mediate or control.
      1. A partially punched opening meant for optional later removal.
      They left a in the panel for running extra wires someday.
      1. (genetics) The deactivation of a particular gene.
      2. (printing) An event where a foreground color causes a background color not to print.
  1. Rendering someone unconscious.
He delivered a blow.
  1. Stunning; amazing; gorgeous.
You should have seen her eyes.

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