sable |
| noun
- A small mammal, related to the marten of Eurasia and North Pacific Islands. Taxonomic name: Martes zibellina.
- The marten. Taxonomic name: Mustela americana.
- A coat made from the fur of the sable.
- 1928, w:Virginia Woolf, Virginia Woolf, w:Orlando:_A_Biography, Orlando:
- :Lovers dallied upon divans spread with sables.
- An artist's brush made from the fur of the sable.
- (tincture): A black colour on a coat of arms.
- (colour) a black colour, like that of sable fur.
- <table><tr><td>sable colour: </td><td bgcolor="
- 394243" width="80"> </td></tr></table>
- (colour) of a black colour, like that of sable fur.
- 2002, Christopher Paolini, Eragon, ch 3
- :They wound between the wagons to a tent removed from the rest of the traders'. It was crimson at the top and at the bottom, with thin triangles of colors stabbing into each other.
- (tincture): In blazon, of the colour black.
- Made of sable fur.
saki |
| noun - (alternative spelling of, sake) (rice wine)
sambar |
| noun
- A southeast Asian deer.
sea cow |
| noun
- any of several marine mammals of the order Sirenia, including the manatee and dugong.
sea horse |
| noun
- Any of various small marine fish of the genus Hippocampus that have a horselike head and swim upright.
- The walrus.
seal |
| noun
- A pinniped, a large marine fish-eating mammal.
- The seals in the harbor looked better than they smelled.
- (intransitive) To hunt seals
sea lion |
| noun
- A marine mammal of the family Otariidae.
serval |
| noun - A medium-sized African wild cat. Scientific name: Leptailurus serval or Felis serval.
sheep |
| noun (sheep)
- A woolly ruminant of the genus Ovis. Male: ram (intact), wether (castrated). Female: ewe. Young: lamb. Carnal: lamb, mutton.
- A timid, shy person who is easily led by others.
she-wolf |
| noun (plural: she-wolves)
- A female wolf.
shrew |
| noun
- Any of numerous small mouselike, chiefly nocturnal, mammals of the family Soricidae.
- An ill-tempered, nagging woman: a scold.
::One of Shakespeare"s plays is The Taming of the Shrew
silver fox |
| noun
- A red fox with pale yellow or (rarely) silver to black fur.
- A person with graying hair who has sex appeal.
sitatunga |
| noun
- the marsh buck, Tragelaphus spekeii.
skunk |
| noun
- Any of various small mammals, of the family Mephitidae, native to North and Central America, having a glossy black with a white coat and two musk glands at the base of the tail for emitting a noxious smell as a defensive measure.
- (slang) A type of strong marijuana.
- (slang) A walkover victory in sports or board games, as when the opposing side is unable to score. Compare shutout.
- Skinhead+Punk = skunk
- cribbage: A win by 30 or more points. (Double skunk > 60 points, triple skunk >90.)
- cribbage: To win by 30 or more points.
sloth |
| noun
- (uncountable) laziness, Laziness; slow in the mindset. One of the seven deadly sins (see Wikipedia:Seven deadly sins, Wikipedia article on the seven deadly sins for more details).
- (countable) A herbivorous, arboreal South American mammal of the families Megalonychidae and Bradypodidae, noted for its slowness and inactivity.
solenodon |
| noun
- any of some species of small nocturnal, burrowing, insectivorous mammals from the Solenodontidae family, with a long snout and venomous saliva.
sperm |
| noun (plural sperms or )
- (cytology) The reproductive cell or gamete of the male, the spermatozoon.
- The semen
spermophile |
| noun - A terrestrial burrowing rodent; ground squirrel
- "Seek spermophile who lives on the plains of the West and is often called gopher, is the true ground squirrel."
sperm whale |
| noun
- A whale (Physeter macrocephalus), the largest of the toothed whales.
Springbok |
| proper noun (wikipedia, Springboks)
- A member of South Africa's national rugby union team ("the Springboks").
squirrel |
| noun
- Any of the rodents of the family Sciuridae distinguished by their large bushy tail.
verb (squirrel, l, ing)
- with "away": To hoard in a hidden place, by analogy to squirrels' habit of hoarding nuts.
- with "around": To move or search erratically, esp. as if hurried or confused.
- My mother warned me not to squirrel around in my dad's workshop.
stoat |
| noun
- ermine
sulfur-bottom |
| noun
- the blue whale
sulphur-bottom |
| noun
- (alternative spelling of, sulfur-bottom)