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galvanism Tweet Definition of galvanism Like Definition of galvanism on Facebook
  1. The chemical generation of electricity.
  2. The therapeutic use of electricity.
gastroenterology Tweet Definition of gastroenterology Like Definition of gastroenterology on Facebook
  1. the study of the digestive system, from mouth to anus--may also include the study of accessory organs: pancreas, liver, gallbladder and bile ducts.
gastroscope Tweet Definition of gastroscope Like Definition of gastroscope on Facebook
  1. a form of endoscope used to view the inside of the stomach
gauze Tweet Definition of gauze Like Definition of gauze on Facebook
  1. A thin fabric with a loose, open weave.
  2. A similar bleached cotton fabric used as a surgical dressing.
  3. A thin woven metal of plastic mesh.
  4. wire, Wire gauze, used as fence.
gene therapy Tweet Definition of gene therapy Like Definition of gene therapy on Facebook
  1. Any of several therapies involving the insertion of genes into a patient's cells in order to replace defective ones
geriatrics Tweet Definition of geriatrics Like Definition of geriatrics on Facebook
  1. (medicine) The branch of medicine that focuses on health promotion and the prevention and treatment of disease and disability in later life. The term itself can be distinguished from gerontology, which is the study of the aging process itself.
good Tweet Definition of good Like Definition of good on Facebook
  1. The forces or behaviors that are the enemy of evil. Usually consists of helping others and general benevolence.
  2. A result that is positive in the view of the speaker.
  3. The abstract instantiation of something qualified by the adjective; e.g., "The best is the enemy of the good."
adjective (better, best)
  1. Acting in the interest of good; ethical (good intentions).
  2. useful, Useful for a particular purpose (it"s a good watch).
  3. Of food, edible; not stale or rotten.
  1. Of food, having a particularly pleasant taste.
  2. Of food, healthful; full of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Pleasant; enjoyable.
a time
  1. Of people, competent or talented.
a swimmer
  1. effective, Effective.
a worker
  1. favourable, Favourable.
a omen
  1. beneficial, Beneficial; worthwhile.
a job
  1. (colloquial) With "and", extremely. (The soup is good and hot.)
  2. Goody-goody; lacking in spirit or personality.
  3. (context, especially when capitalized) holy, Holy.
  4. A reasonable amount of time
a while longer
all in time
    • 1883: w:Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Louis Stevenson, w:Treasure Island, Treasure Island
    • : The white rock, visible enough above the brush, was still some eighth of a mile further down the spit, and it took me a goodish while to get up with it, crawling, often on all fours, among the scrub.
  1. (nonstandard) well, Well.
    • 2007 April 19, w:Jimmy Wales, Jimmy Wales, "Jimmy Wales on the User-Generated Generation", w:Fresh Air, Fresh Air, WHYY, Pennsylvania
    • : The one thing that we can't throw out the baby with the bathwater.... We know our process works pretty darn and, uh, it"s really sparked this amazing phenomenon of this...high-quality website. =
GYN Tweet Definition of GYN Like Definition of GYN on Facebook
  1. Gynecologist
gynecologist Tweet Definition of gynecologist Like Definition of gynecologist on Facebook
  1. A physician specializing in medical problems of women.
gynecology Tweet Definition of gynecology Like Definition of gynecology on Facebook
  1. The study of, or the branch of medicine specializing in, the medical problems of women, especially disorders or the reproductive organs.
galvanism Tweet Definition of galvanism Like Definition of galvanism on Facebook
  1. The chemical generation of electricity.
  2. The therapeutic use of electricity.
gastroenterology Tweet Definition of gastroenterology Like Definition of gastroenterology on Facebook
  1. the study of the digestive system, from mouth to anus--may also include the study of accessory organs: pancreas, liver, gallbladder and bile ducts.
gastroscope Tweet Definition of gastroscope Like Definition of gastroscope on Facebook
  1. a form of endoscope used to view the inside of the stomach
gauze Tweet Definition of gauze Like Definition of gauze on Facebook
  1. A thin fabric with a loose, open weave.
  2. A similar bleached cotton fabric used as a surgical dressing.
  3. A thin woven metal of plastic mesh.
  4. wire, Wire gauze, used as fence.
gene therapy Tweet Definition of gene therapy Like Definition of gene therapy on Facebook
  1. Any of several therapies involving the insertion of genes into a patient's cells in order to replace defective ones
geriatrics Tweet Definition of geriatrics Like Definition of geriatrics on Facebook
  1. (medicine) The branch of medicine that focuses on health promotion and the prevention and treatment of disease and disability in later life. The term itself can be distinguished from gerontology, which is the study of the aging process itself.
good Tweet Definition of good Like Definition of good on Facebook
  1. The forces or behaviors that are the enemy of evil. Usually consists of helping others and general benevolence.
  2. A result that is positive in the view of the speaker.
  3. The abstract instantiation of something qualified by the adjective; e.g., "The best is the enemy of the good."
adjective (better, best)
  1. Acting in the interest of good; ethical (good intentions).
  2. useful, Useful for a particular purpose (it"s a good watch).
  3. Of food, edible; not stale or rotten.
  1. Of food, having a particularly pleasant taste.
  2. Of food, healthful; full of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Pleasant; enjoyable.
a time
  1. Of people, competent or talented.
a swimmer
  1. effective, Effective.
a worker
  1. favourable, Favourable.
a omen
  1. beneficial, Beneficial; worthwhile.
a job
  1. (colloquial) With "and", extremely. (The soup is good and hot.)
  2. Goody-goody; lacking in spirit or personality.
  3. (context, especially when capitalized) holy, Holy.
  4. A reasonable amount of time
a while longer
all in time
    • 1883: w:Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Louis Stevenson, w:Treasure Island, Treasure Island
    • : The white rock, visible enough above the brush, was still some eighth of a mile further down the spit, and it took me a goodish while to get up with it, crawling, often on all fours, among the scrub.
  1. (nonstandard) well, Well.
    • 2007 April 19, w:Jimmy Wales, Jimmy Wales, "Jimmy Wales on the User-Generated Generation", w:Fresh Air, Fresh Air, WHYY, Pennsylvania
    • : The one thing that we can't throw out the baby with the bathwater.... We know our process works pretty darn and, uh, it"s really sparked this amazing phenomenon of this...high-quality website. =
GYN Tweet Definition of GYN Like Definition of GYN on Facebook
  1. Gynecologist
gynecologist Tweet Definition of gynecologist Like Definition of gynecologist on Facebook
  1. A physician specializing in medical problems of women.
gynecology Tweet Definition of gynecology Like Definition of gynecology on Facebook
  1. The study of, or the branch of medicine specializing in, the medical problems of women, especially disorders or the reproductive organs.

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