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iatrochemistry Tweet Definition of iatrochemistry Like Definition of iatrochemistry on Facebook
  1. (context, chemistry, medicine) An early branch of chemistry, having roots in alchemy, that tried to provide chemical remedies to diseases.
    • 2003: A parallel bid to read the body in terms of the new science came from . " Roy Porter, Flesh in the Age of Reason (Penguin 2004, p. 53)
ice bag Tweet Definition of ice bag Like Definition of ice bag on Facebook
  1. A waterproof bag with a wide-mouthed stopper designed to hold ice, for service as an ice pack.
ice pack Tweet Definition of ice pack Like Definition of ice pack on Facebook
  1. a large floating mass of ice; pack ice
  2. a pack of crushed ice applied to the body in order to reduce pain or inflammation
  3. a plastic sac of silicone that can be cooled in a freezer and then used in a cool bag
ICU Tweet Definition of ICU Like Definition of ICU on Facebook
  1. intensive care unit, Intensive care unit.
imaging Tweet Definition of imaging Like Definition of imaging on Facebook
  1. (present participle of, image)
immobilize Tweet Definition of immobilize Like Definition of immobilize on Facebook
verb (immobiliz, ing)
  1. To render motionless; to stop moving or stop from moving.
It is best to the injury until a doctor can examine it.
implant Tweet Definition of implant Like Definition of implant on Facebook
  1. Anything surgically implanted in the body, such as a tissue graft or prosthesis.
  1. (transitive) To fix firmly or set securely or deeply.
  2. (transitive) To insert (something) surgically into the body.
  3. (intransitive) Of an embryo, to become attached to and embedded in the womb.
implantation Tweet Definition of implantation Like Definition of implantation on Facebook
  1. The act or process of implanting.
incompatible Tweet Definition of incompatible Like Definition of incompatible on Facebook
  1. Of two things: impossible to coexist; not congruous because of differences; irreconcilable; disagreeing.
incubator Tweet Definition of incubator Like Definition of incubator on Facebook
  1. (chemistry) Any apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a reaction
  2. (medicine) An apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a newborn baby
  3. An apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for the hatching of eggs
  4. A place to maintain the culturing of bacteria at a steady temperature
  5. Wikimedia Incubator.
indication Tweet Definition of indication Like Definition of indication on Facebook
  1. Act of pointing out or indicate, indicating.
  2. That which serves to indicate or point out; mark; token; sign; symptom; evidence.
  • The frequent stops they make in the most convenient places are plain indications of their weariness. Addison.
    1. Discovery made; information.
    2. (obsolete) Explanation; display. Bacon.
    3. (medicine) Any symptom or occurrence in a disease, which serves to direct to suitable remedies.
inertia Tweet Definition of inertia Like Definition of inertia on Facebook
  1. (physics) The property of a body that resists any change to its uniform straight motion; equivalent to its mass.
  2. (figuratively) In a person, unwillingness to take action.
infraction Tweet Definition of infraction Like Definition of infraction on Facebook
  1. A minor offence, petty crime
  2. a violation; breach
  3. (ice hockey) A major violation of rules which leads to a penalty, if detected by the referee.
inhalant Tweet Definition of inhalant Like Definition of inhalant on Facebook
  1. something, especially a medication, that is inhaled
  1. intended for inhaling
inject Tweet Definition of inject Like Definition of inject on Facebook
  1. (transitive) to push something in, especially fluids into a cavity or passage
Smiling, the nurse injected a painkilling drug into the veins of my forearm.
  1. (transitive) to introduce something sudddenly or violently
Punk injected a much-needed sense of urgency to the British music scene.
  1. (transitive) to administer an injection to, especially of medicine or drugs
Now lie back while we you with the anaesthetic.
  1. (intransitive) to take or be administered something by means of injection, especially medicine or drugs
It's been a week since I stopped injecting, and I'm still in withdrawal.
intern Tweet Definition of intern Like Definition of intern on Facebook
  1. a student who works (often without pay) in order to gain experience in their chosen field
  2. a recently graduated medical student working in a hospital as a final part of their medical training
intrauterine device Tweet Definition of intrauterine device Like Definition of intrauterine device on Facebook
noun (abbreviated as IUD)
  1. A contraceptive device consisting of a spiral or similar shape of plastic or metal inserted through the vagina into the uterus in order to prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg.
intubate Tweet Definition of intubate Like Definition of intubate on Facebook
  1. To insert a tube into
inunction Tweet Definition of inunction Like Definition of inunction on Facebook
  1. the anointing or rubbing-in of oil or balm
invasive Tweet Definition of invasive Like Definition of invasive on Facebook
  1. An invasive plant, animal etc.
  1. that invades a foreign country using military force
  2. (context, of a plant or animal) that invades a habitat to the detriment of native species
  3. (medicine) (of a carcinoma etc) that invades healthy tissue; (of a procedure) in which part of the body is entered
  4. intruding on one's privacy, or trespassing
iron Tweet Definition of iron Like Definition of iron on Facebook
  1. (context, uncountable) A metallic chemical element having atomic number 26, and symbol Fe.
  2. (context, countable) A tool or appliance made of metal, which is heated and then used to transfer heat to something else; most often a thick piece of metal fitted with a handle and having a flat, roughly triangular bottom, which is heated and used to press wrinkles from clothing, and now usually containing an electrical heating apparatus.
  3. (context, usually plural, irons) Shackles.
  4. (slang) A handgun.
  5. (context, uncountable) A dark shade of the colour/color silver.
  6. (context, Cockney rhyming slang, shortened from iron hoof, rhyming with poof; countable, offensive, ) A male homosexual.
  1. (transitive) To pass an iron over (clothing or some other item made of cloth) in order to remove creases.
adjective (more iron, most iron)
  1. {not comparable} Made of the metal iron.
  2. (context, figuratively) Strong (as of will), inflexible.
She had an iron will.
He held on with an iron grip.
iron lung Tweet Definition of iron lung Like Definition of iron lung on Facebook
  1. A mechanical device for assisted breathing.
irrigate Tweet Definition of irrigate Like Definition of irrigate on Facebook
verb to irrigate
  1. To supply farmland with water, by building ditches and pipes etc
  2. To clean a wound with a fluid
irrigation Tweet Definition of irrigation Like Definition of irrigation on Facebook
  1. The act or process of irrigating, or the state of being irrigated; especially, the operation of causing water to flow over lands, for nourishing plants.
irritable Tweet Definition of irritable Like Definition of irritable on Facebook
  1. capable of being irritated
  2. easily exasperated or excited
  3. responsive to stimuli
isolate Tweet Definition of isolate Like Definition of isolate on Facebook
  1. Something that has been isolated.
verb (isolates, isolating, isolated, isolated)
  1. (transitive) To set apart or cut off from others.
  2. (transitive) To place in quarantine or isolation.
  3. (context, transitive, chemistry) To separate a substance in pure form from a mixture.
  4. (transitive) To insulate, or make free of external influence.
  5. (context, transitive, microbiology) To separate a pure strain of bacteria etc. from a mixed culture.
  6. (transitive) To insulate an electrical component from a source of electricity.
IUD Tweet Definition of IUD Like Definition of IUD on Facebook
  1. intrauterine device, intrauterine device
IV Tweet Definition of IV Like Definition of IV on Facebook
  1. (medicine) An intravenous injection.
  1. Used to indicate an ordinal number; the fourth (common as a name suffix.)
  1. (medicine) intravenous, Intravenous.
  2. (statistics) instrumental variable, Instrumental variable.
iatrochemistry Tweet Definition of iatrochemistry Like Definition of iatrochemistry on Facebook
  1. (context, chemistry, medicine) An early branch of chemistry, having roots in alchemy, that tried to provide chemical remedies to diseases.
    • 2003: A parallel bid to read the body in terms of the new science came from . " Roy Porter, Flesh in the Age of Reason (Penguin 2004, p. 53)
ice bag Tweet Definition of ice bag Like Definition of ice bag on Facebook
  1. A waterproof bag with a wide-mouthed stopper designed to hold ice, for service as an ice pack.
ice pack Tweet Definition of ice pack Like Definition of ice pack on Facebook
  1. a large floating mass of ice; pack ice
  2. a pack of crushed ice applied to the body in order to reduce pain or inflammation
  3. a plastic sac of silicone that can be cooled in a freezer and then used in a cool bag
ICU Tweet Definition of ICU Like Definition of ICU on Facebook
  1. intensive care unit, Intensive care unit.
imaging Tweet Definition of imaging Like Definition of imaging on Facebook
  1. (present participle of, image)
immobilize Tweet Definition of immobilize Like Definition of immobilize on Facebook
verb (immobiliz, ing)
  1. To render motionless; to stop moving or stop from moving.
It is best to the injury until a doctor can examine it.
implant Tweet Definition of implant Like Definition of implant on Facebook
  1. Anything surgically implanted in the body, such as a tissue graft or prosthesis.
  1. (transitive) To fix firmly or set securely or deeply.
  2. (transitive) To insert (something) surgically into the body.
  3. (intransitive) Of an embryo, to become attached to and embedded in the womb.
implantation Tweet Definition of implantation Like Definition of implantation on Facebook
  1. The act or process of implanting.
incompatible Tweet Definition of incompatible Like Definition of incompatible on Facebook
  1. Of two things: impossible to coexist; not congruous because of differences; irreconcilable; disagreeing.
incubator Tweet Definition of incubator Like Definition of incubator on Facebook
  1. (chemistry) Any apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a reaction
  2. (medicine) An apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a newborn baby
  3. An apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for the hatching of eggs
  4. A place to maintain the culturing of bacteria at a steady temperature
  5. Wikimedia Incubator.
indication Tweet Definition of indication Like Definition of indication on Facebook
  1. Act of pointing out or indicate, indicating.
  2. That which serves to indicate or point out; mark; token; sign; symptom; evidence.
  • The frequent stops they make in the most convenient places are plain indications of their weariness. Addison.
    1. Discovery made; information.
    2. (obsolete) Explanation; display. Bacon.
    3. (medicine) Any symptom or occurrence in a disease, which serves to direct to suitable remedies.
inertia Tweet Definition of inertia Like Definition of inertia on Facebook
  1. (physics) The property of a body that resists any change to its uniform straight motion; equivalent to its mass.
  2. (figuratively) In a person, unwillingness to take action.
infraction Tweet Definition of infraction Like Definition of infraction on Facebook
  1. A minor offence, petty crime
  2. a violation; breach
  3. (ice hockey) A major violation of rules which leads to a penalty, if detected by the referee.
inhalant Tweet Definition of inhalant Like Definition of inhalant on Facebook
  1. something, especially a medication, that is inhaled
  1. intended for inhaling
inject Tweet Definition of inject Like Definition of inject on Facebook
  1. (transitive) to push something in, especially fluids into a cavity or passage
Smiling, the nurse injected a painkilling drug into the veins of my forearm.
  1. (transitive) to introduce something sudddenly or violently
Punk injected a much-needed sense of urgency to the British music scene.
  1. (transitive) to administer an injection to, especially of medicine or drugs
Now lie back while we you with the anaesthetic.
  1. (intransitive) to take or be administered something by means of injection, especially medicine or drugs
It's been a week since I stopped injecting, and I'm still in withdrawal.
intern Tweet Definition of intern Like Definition of intern on Facebook
  1. a student who works (often without pay) in order to gain experience in their chosen field
  2. a recently graduated medical student working in a hospital as a final part of their medical training
intrauterine device Tweet Definition of intrauterine device Like Definition of intrauterine device on Facebook
noun (abbreviated as IUD)
  1. A contraceptive device consisting of a spiral or similar shape of plastic or metal inserted through the vagina into the uterus in order to prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg.
intubate Tweet Definition of intubate Like Definition of intubate on Facebook
  1. To insert a tube into
inunction Tweet Definition of inunction Like Definition of inunction on Facebook
  1. the anointing or rubbing-in of oil or balm
invasive Tweet Definition of invasive Like Definition of invasive on Facebook
  1. An invasive plant, animal etc.
  1. that invades a foreign country using military force
  2. (context, of a plant or animal) that invades a habitat to the detriment of native species
  3. (medicine) (of a carcinoma etc) that invades healthy tissue; (of a procedure) in which part of the body is entered
  4. intruding on one's privacy, or trespassing
iron Tweet Definition of iron Like Definition of iron on Facebook
  1. (context, uncountable) A metallic chemical element having atomic number 26, and symbol Fe.
  2. (context, countable) A tool or appliance made of metal, which is heated and then used to transfer heat to something else; most often a thick piece of metal fitted with a handle and having a flat, roughly triangular bottom, which is heated and used to press wrinkles from clothing, and now usually containing an electrical heating apparatus.
  3. (context, usually plural, irons) Shackles.
  4. (slang) A handgun.
  5. (context, uncountable) A dark shade of the colour/color silver.
  6. (context, Cockney rhyming slang, shortened from iron hoof, rhyming with poof; countable, offensive, ) A male homosexual.
  1. (transitive) To pass an iron over (clothing or some other item made of cloth) in order to remove creases.
adjective (more iron, most iron)
  1. {not comparable} Made of the metal iron.
  2. (context, figuratively) Strong (as of will), inflexible.
She had an iron will.
He held on with an iron grip.
iron lung Tweet Definition of iron lung Like Definition of iron lung on Facebook
  1. A mechanical device for assisted breathing.
irrigate Tweet Definition of irrigate Like Definition of irrigate on Facebook
verb to irrigate
  1. To supply farmland with water, by building ditches and pipes etc
  2. To clean a wound with a fluid
irrigation Tweet Definition of irrigation Like Definition of irrigation on Facebook
  1. The act or process of irrigating, or the state of being irrigated; especially, the operation of causing water to flow over lands, for nourishing plants.
irritable Tweet Definition of irritable Like Definition of irritable on Facebook
  1. capable of being irritated
  2. easily exasperated or excited
  3. responsive to stimuli
isolate Tweet Definition of isolate Like Definition of isolate on Facebook
  1. Something that has been isolated.
verb (isolates, isolating, isolated, isolated)
  1. (transitive) To set apart or cut off from others.
  2. (transitive) To place in quarantine or isolation.
  3. (context, transitive, chemistry) To separate a substance in pure form from a mixture.
  4. (transitive) To insulate, or make free of external influence.
  5. (context, transitive, microbiology) To separate a pure strain of bacteria etc. from a mixed culture.
  6. (transitive) To insulate an electrical component from a source of electricity.
IUD Tweet Definition of IUD Like Definition of IUD on Facebook
  1. intrauterine device, intrauterine device
IV Tweet Definition of IV Like Definition of IV on Facebook
  1. (medicine) An intravenous injection.
  1. Used to indicate an ordinal number; the fourth (common as a name suffix.)
  1. (medicine) intravenous, Intravenous.
  2. (statistics) instrumental variable, Instrumental variable.

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