obstetrical |
| adjective
- of, or relating to obstetrics
obstetrician |
| noun
- (medicine) A physician who specializes in obstetrics
obstetrics |
| noun
- (medicine) The care of women during and after pregnancy
obstruent |
| noun (plural: obstruents)
- (phonetics) a consonant sound formed by obstructing the airway, causing turbulence; the generic term of plosive, fricative and affricate
occult |
| noun
- (i, usually with the) supernatural, Supernatural affairs.
- (transitive): To cover.
- The earth occults the moon during a lunar eclipse.
adjective (more)
- secret, Secret; hidden from general knowledge; undetected
- blood loss; cancer
- Related to the occult.
olfactometer |
| noun
- A device used to measure the acuity of a person's sense of smell
onanism |
| noun
- ejaculate, ejaculating outside the vagina during intercourse; (the performing of) Coitus interruptus
- masturbation
oncology |
| noun
- The branch of medicine concerned with tumors, including study of their development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
orderly |
| noun (orderlies)
- A hospital attendant given a variety of non-medical duties.
- A soldier who carries out minor tasks for a superior officer.
- Having or with order.
orthopedic |
| adjective - Of, or relating to orthopedics
orthopedics |
| noun (wikipedia, orthopedic surgery)
- (medicine) The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention or correction of disorders of the bones and associated muscles and joints
orthopraxy |
| noun - Correct practice or action
- Right belief combined with right practice, with the emphasis being on the latter, a term specially used in Latin American liberation theology, often in contrast with an orthodoxy seen as insufficiently interested in the practical and political content of faith.
orthosis |
| noun (orthos, es)
- (medicine) A type of brace which either prevents, or assists movement of a limb or the spine
orthostatic |
| adjective
- Of, or relating to upright posture.
- (archaeology) Of, or relating to an orthostat.
osteology |
| noun - (anatomy) the scientific study of the morphology and pathology of bones
- (anatomy) the bone structure of a particular individual, or species
osteopath |
| noun
- (medicine) A physician who practices osteopathy by manipulating the skeleton and muscles
otology |
| noun
- (medicine) the branch of medicine that deals with the ear, its structure, function and pathology
otorhinolaryngology |
| noun
- the medical study of diseases of the ear, nose and throat
otoscope |
| noun
- an instrument used for examining the eardrum and interior of the outer ear
outpatient |
| noun - A patient who receives treatment at a hospital or clinic but is not admitted overnight
adjective - Of or pertaining to outpatients
oximeter |
| noun
- (medicine) a device that measures the oxygen saturation of arterial blood
oxygen mask |
| noun (plural oxygen masks)
- A plastic or rubber mask through which oxygen may be breathed from a storage tank.
oxygen tent |
| noun - (medicine) a canopy for the head and shoulders, or a similar enclosure for the whole body, within which air having a higher than normal supply of oxygen can be administered to a patient
oxytocic |
| adjective
- (medicine) Serving to accelerate childbirth.
obstetrical |
| adjective
- of, or relating to obstetrics
obstetrician |
| noun
- (medicine) A physician who specializes in obstetrics
obstetrics |
| noun
- (medicine) The care of women during and after pregnancy
obstruent |
| noun (plural: obstruents)
- (phonetics) a consonant sound formed by obstructing the airway, causing turbulence; the generic term of plosive, fricative and affricate
occult |
| noun
- (i, usually with the) supernatural, Supernatural affairs.
- (transitive): To cover.
- The earth occults the moon during a lunar eclipse.
adjective (more)
- secret, Secret; hidden from general knowledge; undetected
- blood loss; cancer
- Related to the occult.
olfactometer |
| noun
- A device used to measure the acuity of a person's sense of smell
onanism |
| noun
- ejaculate, ejaculating outside the vagina during intercourse; (the performing of) Coitus interruptus
- masturbation
oncology |
| noun
- The branch of medicine concerned with tumors, including study of their development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
orderly |
| noun (orderlies)
- A hospital attendant given a variety of non-medical duties.
- A soldier who carries out minor tasks for a superior officer.
- Having or with order.
orthopedic |
| adjective - Of, or relating to orthopedics
orthopedics |
| noun (wikipedia, orthopedic surgery)
- (medicine) The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention or correction of disorders of the bones and associated muscles and joints
orthopraxy |
| noun - Correct practice or action
- Right belief combined with right practice, with the emphasis being on the latter, a term specially used in Latin American liberation theology, often in contrast with an orthodoxy seen as insufficiently interested in the practical and political content of faith.
orthosis |
| noun (orthos, es)
- (medicine) A type of brace which either prevents, or assists movement of a limb or the spine
orthostatic |
| adjective
- Of, or relating to upright posture.
- (archaeology) Of, or relating to an orthostat.
osteology |
| noun - (anatomy) the scientific study of the morphology and pathology of bones
- (anatomy) the bone structure of a particular individual, or species
osteopath |
| noun
- (medicine) A physician who practices osteopathy by manipulating the skeleton and muscles
otology |
| noun
- (medicine) the branch of medicine that deals with the ear, its structure, function and pathology
otorhinolaryngology |
| noun
- the medical study of diseases of the ear, nose and throat
otoscope |
| noun
- an instrument used for examining the eardrum and interior of the outer ear
outpatient |
| noun - A patient who receives treatment at a hospital or clinic but is not admitted overnight
adjective - Of or pertaining to outpatients
oximeter |
| noun
- (medicine) a device that measures the oxygen saturation of arterial blood
oxygen mask |
| noun (plural oxygen masks)
- A plastic or rubber mask through which oxygen may be breathed from a storage tank.
oxygen tent |
| noun - (medicine) a canopy for the head and shoulders, or a similar enclosure for the whole body, within which air having a higher than normal supply of oxygen can be administered to a patient
oxytocic |
| adjective
- (medicine) Serving to accelerate childbirth.