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tachypnea Tweet Definition of tachypnea Like Definition of tachypnea on Facebook
  1. abnormally rapid breathing
take Tweet Definition of take Like Definition of take on Facebook
  1. An act of taking.
  2. Something that is taken.
  3. A profit or reward.
He wants half of the if he helps with the job.
  1. An interpretation or view.
What"s your on this issue, Fred?
  1. (film) An attempt to record a scene.
It"s a .
Act seven, scene three, two.
  1. (rugby) A catch.
  2. (acting) A facial gesture in response to an event.
I did a when I saw the new car in the driveway.
  1. (cricket) a catch of the ball, especially by the wicket-keeper
verb (takes, taking, took, taken)
  1. To grasp with the hands.
  2. To grab and move to oneself.
I"ll that plate off the table.
  1. To get into one's possession.
  2. (military) To gain a position by force.
After a bloody battle, they were able to the city.
  1. To have sex with forcefully, possibly without consent.
The rapist took his victims in dark alleys.
  1. To carry, particularly to a particular destination.
I'll the plate with me.
  1. To choose.
I'll the blue plates.
  1. To support or carry without failing or breaking.
That truck bed will only two tons.
  1. To endure or cope with.
I can the noise, but I can't take the smell.
  1. (baseball) To not swing at a pitch
He"ll probably this one.
  1. To ingest medicine, drugs, etc.
I aspirin every day to thin my blood.
  1. (italbrac, Usually with "for") To assume or interpret to be.
Do you me for a fool?
I it you're not going?''
  1. To enroll (in a class, or a course of study)
I plan to math, physics, literature and flower arrangment this semester.
  1. To participate in, undergo (a test or exam).
Aren't you supposed to your math final today?
  1. (climbing) To tighten (take up) a belaying rope. Often used imperatively.
  1. To fight or attempt to fight somebody. (See also take on.)
Don't try to that guy. He's bigger than you.
  1. To stick, persist, thrive or remain.
I started some tomato seeds last spring, but they didn't .
  1. (cricket) To catch the ball; especially for the wicket-keeper to catch the ball after the batsman has missed or edged it.
  2. (impersonal) To require.
Looks like it's gonna a taller person to get that down.
It takes a village to raise a child.
  1. (transitive) To require.
You'll need to your textbook with you to every class.
  1. To last an amount of time.
I estimate the trip will about ten minutes.
tens Tweet Definition of tens Like Definition of tens on Facebook
noun plural
  1. Plural of ten.
therapy Tweet Definition of therapy Like Definition of therapy on Facebook
noun (therapies)
  1. Treatment of disease or disability, physical or mental.
  2. Healing power or quality.
thermotherapy Tweet Definition of thermotherapy Like Definition of thermotherapy on Facebook
noun (thermotherapies)
  1. (medicine) The use of heat to treat disease
thyroid Tweet Definition of thyroid Like Definition of thyroid on Facebook
noun (plural thyroids)
  1. The thyroid gland.
  2. The thyroid cartilage.
  3. A preparation obtained from the thyroid gland.
tocology Tweet Definition of tocology Like Definition of tocology on Facebook
  1. (medicine) the branch of medicine that deals with childbirth
Tpr Tweet Definition of Tpr Like Definition of Tpr on Facebook
  1. (title) Trooper
transsexual Tweet Definition of transsexual Like Definition of transsexual on Facebook
  1. A person who identifies as a gender different from that which they were assigned at birth, as well as maintains the need for a physical sex at variance with their biological one. Transsexuals often correct their anatomy to better conform to their gender identity, mainly through hormonal and surgical techniques.
  2. One who has undergone cross-sex hormonal therapy and/or sex reassignment surgery.
  1. Of or relating to transsexuals or transsexuality.
triplet Tweet Definition of triplet Like Definition of triplet on Facebook
  1. A group of three or one of a group of three.
  2. One of a group of three siblings born at the same time to the same mother.
  3. (music) A group of three notes played or written where two notes would ordinarily be; a form of tuplet
truss Tweet Definition of truss Like Definition of truss on Facebook
noun (trusses)
  1. A bandage and belt used to hold a hernia in place.
  2. A framework of beams forming a rigid structure.
  3. A triangular bracket in architecture.
  4. An old English farming measurement. One truss of straw equalled 36 pounds, a truss of old hay equalled 56 pounds, a truss of new hay equalled 60 pounds, and 36 trusses equalled one load.
twinning Tweet Definition of twinning Like Definition of twinning on Facebook
  1. action of the verb to twin
  2. giving birth to twins
  3. the pairing of similar objects (such as towns)
  4. (context, mineralogy) the formation of twin crystals
  5. (context, transportation) the conversion of a road into a dual carriageway
  1. biparous
type Tweet Definition of type Like Definition of type on Facebook
  1. A grouping based on shared characteristics; a class.
  2. An individual that represents the ideal for its class; an embodiment.
  3. A block of metal or wood having a raised letter or character on its surface used for printing; also, a set of such blocks.
  4. (biology). An individual considered representative of members of its taxonomic group: the type of a genus, family, etc.
  5. (theology): an event or person that prefigures or foreshadows a later event - commonly Old Testament events linked to Christian times.
  6. (comptheory) A tag attached to variables and values used in determining what values may be assigned to what variables.
verb (typ, ing)
  1. To put text on paper using a typewriter.
  2. To enter text or commands into a computer using a keyboard.
  3. To determine the blood type.
The doctor ordered the lab to the patient for a blood transfusion.
typhlology Tweet Definition of typhlology Like Definition of typhlology on Facebook
  1. (medicine) the scientific study of blindness
typhoidin Tweet Definition of typhoidin Like Definition of typhoidin on Facebook
  1. a substance produced by culturing typhoid bacilli that is used to indicate the presence of typhoid fever
Typhoid Mary Tweet Definition of Typhoid Mary Like Definition of Typhoid Mary on Facebook
noun (plural: Typhoid Marys)
  1. A carrier of a dangerous disease who refuses to cooperate to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Based on Mary Mallon, (1869 " 1938), a notorious carrier of typhoid who refused to cooperate with the authorities about her condition until they resorted to forcible confinement.
tachypnea Tweet Definition of tachypnea Like Definition of tachypnea on Facebook
  1. abnormally rapid breathing
take Tweet Definition of take Like Definition of take on Facebook
  1. An act of taking.
  2. Something that is taken.
  3. A profit or reward.
He wants half of the if he helps with the job.
  1. An interpretation or view.
What"s your on this issue, Fred?
  1. (film) An attempt to record a scene.
It"s a .
Act seven, scene three, two.
  1. (rugby) A catch.
  2. (acting) A facial gesture in response to an event.
I did a when I saw the new car in the driveway.
  1. (cricket) a catch of the ball, especially by the wicket-keeper
verb (takes, taking, took, taken)
  1. To grasp with the hands.
  2. To grab and move to oneself.
I"ll that plate off the table.
  1. To get into one's possession.
  2. (military) To gain a position by force.
After a bloody battle, they were able to the city.
  1. To have sex with forcefully, possibly without consent.
The rapist took his victims in dark alleys.
  1. To carry, particularly to a particular destination.
I'll the plate with me.
  1. To choose.
I'll the blue plates.
  1. To support or carry without failing or breaking.
That truck bed will only two tons.
  1. To endure or cope with.
I can the noise, but I can't take the smell.
  1. (baseball) To not swing at a pitch
He"ll probably this one.
  1. To ingest medicine, drugs, etc.
I aspirin every day to thin my blood.
  1. (italbrac, Usually with "for") To assume or interpret to be.
Do you me for a fool?
I it you're not going?''
  1. To enroll (in a class, or a course of study)
I plan to math, physics, literature and flower arrangment this semester.
  1. To participate in, undergo (a test or exam).
Aren't you supposed to your math final today?
  1. (climbing) To tighten (take up) a belaying rope. Often used imperatively.
  1. To fight or attempt to fight somebody. (See also take on.)
Don't try to that guy. He's bigger than you.
  1. To stick, persist, thrive or remain.
I started some tomato seeds last spring, but they didn't .
  1. (cricket) To catch the ball; especially for the wicket-keeper to catch the ball after the batsman has missed or edged it.
  2. (impersonal) To require.
Looks like it's gonna a taller person to get that down.
It takes a village to raise a child.
  1. (transitive) To require.
You'll need to your textbook with you to every class.
  1. To last an amount of time.
I estimate the trip will about ten minutes.
tens Tweet Definition of tens Like Definition of tens on Facebook
noun plural
  1. Plural of ten.
therapy Tweet Definition of therapy Like Definition of therapy on Facebook
noun (therapies)
  1. Treatment of disease or disability, physical or mental.
  2. Healing power or quality.
thermotherapy Tweet Definition of thermotherapy Like Definition of thermotherapy on Facebook
noun (thermotherapies)
  1. (medicine) The use of heat to treat disease
thyroid Tweet Definition of thyroid Like Definition of thyroid on Facebook
noun (plural thyroids)
  1. The thyroid gland.
  2. The thyroid cartilage.
  3. A preparation obtained from the thyroid gland.
tocology Tweet Definition of tocology Like Definition of tocology on Facebook
  1. (medicine) the branch of medicine that deals with childbirth
Tpr Tweet Definition of Tpr Like Definition of Tpr on Facebook
  1. (title) Trooper
transsexual Tweet Definition of transsexual Like Definition of transsexual on Facebook
  1. A person who identifies as a gender different from that which they were assigned at birth, as well as maintains the need for a physical sex at variance with their biological one. Transsexuals often correct their anatomy to better conform to their gender identity, mainly through hormonal and surgical techniques.
  2. One who has undergone cross-sex hormonal therapy and/or sex reassignment surgery.
  1. Of or relating to transsexuals or transsexuality.
triplet Tweet Definition of triplet Like Definition of triplet on Facebook
  1. A group of three or one of a group of three.
  2. One of a group of three siblings born at the same time to the same mother.
  3. (music) A group of three notes played or written where two notes would ordinarily be; a form of tuplet
truss Tweet Definition of truss Like Definition of truss on Facebook
noun (trusses)
  1. A bandage and belt used to hold a hernia in place.
  2. A framework of beams forming a rigid structure.
  3. A triangular bracket in architecture.
  4. An old English farming measurement. One truss of straw equalled 36 pounds, a truss of old hay equalled 56 pounds, a truss of new hay equalled 60 pounds, and 36 trusses equalled one load.
twinning Tweet Definition of twinning Like Definition of twinning on Facebook
  1. action of the verb to twin
  2. giving birth to twins
  3. the pairing of similar objects (such as towns)
  4. (context, mineralogy) the formation of twin crystals
  5. (context, transportation) the conversion of a road into a dual carriageway
  1. biparous
type Tweet Definition of type Like Definition of type on Facebook
  1. A grouping based on shared characteristics; a class.
  2. An individual that represents the ideal for its class; an embodiment.
  3. A block of metal or wood having a raised letter or character on its surface used for printing; also, a set of such blocks.
  4. (biology). An individual considered representative of members of its taxonomic group: the type of a genus, family, etc.
  5. (theology): an event or person that prefigures or foreshadows a later event - commonly Old Testament events linked to Christian times.
  6. (comptheory) A tag attached to variables and values used in determining what values may be assigned to what variables.
verb (typ, ing)
  1. To put text on paper using a typewriter.
  2. To enter text or commands into a computer using a keyboard.
  3. To determine the blood type.
The doctor ordered the lab to the patient for a blood transfusion.
typhlology Tweet Definition of typhlology Like Definition of typhlology on Facebook
  1. (medicine) the scientific study of blindness
typhoidin Tweet Definition of typhoidin Like Definition of typhoidin on Facebook
  1. a substance produced by culturing typhoid bacilli that is used to indicate the presence of typhoid fever
Typhoid Mary Tweet Definition of Typhoid Mary Like Definition of Typhoid Mary on Facebook
noun (plural: Typhoid Marys)
  1. A carrier of a dangerous disease who refuses to cooperate to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Based on Mary Mallon, (1869 " 1938), a notorious carrier of typhoid who refused to cooperate with the authorities about her condition until they resorted to forcible confinement.

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