native companion |
| noun
- An Australian bird, Grus rubicunda.
nene |
| noun
- State bird of Hawaii, the Hawaiian goose or N�n� goose.
nest |
| noun
- A structure built by a bird as a place to incubate eggs and rear young
- a place used by another mammal, fish, amphibian or insect, for depositing eggs and hatching young
- A snug, comfortable, or cozy residence or job situation
- a retreat, or place of habitual resort
- a hideout for bad people to frequent or haunt
- That nightclub is a of strange people!
- A home that a child or young adult shares with a parent, guardian, or a person acting in the capacity of a parent or guardian. A parental home.
- I am aspiring to leave the .
- (context, cards) A fixed amount of cards in some bidding games awarded to the highest bidder allowing him to exchange any or all with cards in his hand.
- I was forced to change trumps when I found the Ace, Jack, and nine of diamonds in the .
- (computing) a structure in a programming code, like blocks, functions, subroutines, etc.
- (intransitive) Of animals: To build or settle into a nest.
- (intransitive) To settle into a home.
- We loved the new house and were nesting there in 2 days!
- (intransitive) To successively neatly fit inside another.
- I bought a set of nesting mixing bowls for mom.
- (transitive) To place in, or as if in, a nest.
- (transitive) To place one thing neatly inside another, and both inside yet another (and so on).
- There would be much more room in the attic if you had nested all the empty boxes.
Nide |
| proper noun
- a Polynesian language spoken in Vanuatu.
nighthawk |
| noun
- A New World nightjar.
nightingale |
| noun
- A European singing bird, Luscinia megarhynchos in the family Turdidae.
nightjar |
| noun
- Any of various medium-sized nocturnal birds of the family Caprimulgidae, that feed predominantly on moths and other large flying insects.
nonpareil |
| noun
- A person or thing that has no equal; a paragon.
- A small, flat chocolate drop covered with white pellets of sugar.
nun |
| noun
- A member of a Christian religious community of women who live by certain vows and usually wear a habit.
Nutcracker |
| noun (wikipedia, The Nutcracker)
The Nutcracker
- A ballet by Tchaikovsky
nuthatch |
| noun (plural nuthatches)
- Any of various small passerine birds from the family Sittidae found throughout the Northern hemisphere that have the unusual ability to climb down trees head first.