Dari Tweet Definition of Dari Like Definition of Dari on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. A variety of Middle Persian, the court language of the late Sassanid period and of classical Persian poetry.
  2. The dialect of the Persian language as spoken by approximately one-third of the population in Afghanistan; also referred to as Eastern Persian,Afghan Persian, or simply Persian.
    • Note: Not be confused with 3.
      1. A language of the Central Iranian family spoken by up to 15,000 people (mostly Zoroastrians) in the Yazd and Kerman areas, also known as Gabri or Gabar.
    Etymology: From (Pers.) (fa-Arab, Û) (darÄ), of disputed origin, possibly from (fa-Arab, ) (darbÄr) meaning royal court. 'Dari' as a name for modern Dari Persian (definition 2, below) may not necessarily share the same etymology as the name of the Middle Persian court language (1, below). The use of the name 'Dari' in English is a recent development, the language formerly being known as 'Persian' to English speakers.

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