Your Query of 'Italic' Resulted in 2 Matches
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Italic Tweet Definition of Italic Like Definition of Italic on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. An Italic language
    1. of, or relating to Italy
    2. (context, linguistics) Pertaining to a subfamily of the w:Centum-Satem isogloss, Centum branch of the Indo-European language family, that includes Latin and other languages (as Oscan, Umbrian) spoken by the peoples of ancient Italy and also the Romance languages (Italian, French, Spanish, etc.); the group of ancient languages of this branch as contrasted with the modern Romance languages; Osco-Umbrian
    The ancient languages that are now extinct include w:Oscan, w:Umbrian, and w:South Picene.
    1. (context, ancient history) Pertaining to various peoples that lived in Italy before the establishment of the Roman empire, or to any of several alphabet systems used by those peoples for writing their languages.
    ''There were several alphabets, one being the Etruscan alphabet.

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      italic Tweet Definition of italic Like Definition of italic on Facebook
      1. (context, typography) Pertaining to a typeface or font: having letters designed to resemble a handwriting style developed in Italy in the 16th century.
      2. (context, typography) Pertaining to a typeface or font: having letters that slant or lean to the right; oblique.
      An or oblique font is used for various purposes including emphasis, conforming to the convention for species names, denoting foreign words or phrases, etc.
      • German: Kursivdruck

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