answerable Tweet Definition of answerable Like Definition of answerable on Facebook
  1. Obliged to answer; liable to be called to account; liable to pay, indemnify, or make good; accountable; amenable; responsible; as, an agent is answerable to his principal; to be answerable for a debt, or for damages.
Will any man argue that . . . he can not be justly punished, but is only to God? --Swift.
  1. Capable of being answered or refuted; admitting a satisfactory answer.
The argument, though subtle, is yet . --Johnson.
  1. correspondent, Correspondent; conformable; hence, comparable.
What wit and policy of man is to their discreet and orderly course? --Holland.
This revelation . . . was to that of the apostle to the Thessalonians. --Milton.
  1. proportionate, Proportionate; commensurate; suitable; as, an achievement answerable to the preparation for it.

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