band-aid Tweet Definition of band-aid Like Definition of band-aid on Facebook
  1. An adhesive bandage, a small piece of fabric or plastic that may be stuck to the skin in order to temporarily cover a small wound.
  2. (capitalized) A particular brand of adhesive bandage.
  3. A temporary or makeshift solution to a problem, created ad hoc (often used with a negative connotation of a lack of foresight)
  • The proposed pension reforms are just a that won't fix the underlying problems in the system.
  • Dutch: pleister
  • French: pansement
  • German: Pflaster
  • Italian: cerotto
  • Spanish: curita (italbrac, Latin America), parche curita (italbrac, Chile), tirita , aposito (italbrac, Spain)
  1. To apply an adhesive bandage.
As a school nurse, Pat was used to bandaiding lots of scraped knees and elbows.
  1. To apply a makeshift fix; to jury-rig.
Rather than fix the code, we just band-aided the problem by hiding the error message.

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