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  1. A branding iron.
  2. A mark of ownership made by burning, e.g. on cattle.
  3. (context, advertising) A name, symbol, logo, or other item used to distinguish a product or manufacturer from its competitors.
Brands of breakfast cereal.
  1. (context, advertising) A product's attributes " name, appearance, reputation, and so on " taken collectively and abstractly.
    1. (transitive) To burn the flesh with a hot iron, either as a marker (for criminals, slaves etc.) or to cauterise a wound.
    When they caught him, he was branded and then locked up.
    1. (transitive) To mark (especially cattle) with a brand as proof of ownership.
    The ranch hands had to every new calf by lunchtime.
    1. (transitive) To make an indelible impression on the memory or senses.
    Her face is branded upon my memory.
    1. (transitive) To stigmatize, label (someone).
    He was branded a fool by everyone that heard his story.
    1. (transitive, marketing) To associate a product or service with a trademark or other name and related images.
    They branded the new detergent "Suds-O", with a nature scene inside a green O on the muted-colored recycled-cardboard box.
    • French: cataloguer, flétrir
    • Dutch: brandmerken
    1. (context, advertising) Associated with a particular product, service, or company.
    That computer company has recognition.
    Have we settled on our name?

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