Definitions | cognate |
| noun
- A word derived from the same roots as a given word.
- English "ward" is a of "guard", and of French "garder".
- ''English "ward", English "guard", and French "garder" are all cognates.
Translations: - French: mot de míªme origine
- Derived from the same roots.
- In English, "ward" is cognate to "guard", and both are to French garder.
- English "ward", English "guard", Icelandic "ví¶rí°ur" and French "garder" are all .''
- Similar in nature
Translations: - French: ayant une origine commune
Etymology: From (term, cognatus), past participle of (term, cognasci, , arise together), (term, cog-, , together) + (term, nasci, , arise)
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