complex Tweet Definition of complex Like Definition of complex on Facebook
noun (pl=complexes)
  1. A problem.
  2. A collection of buildings with a common purpose, such as a university or military base.
  3. A psychologically based dislike or fear of a particular thing.
Jim has a real complex about working for a woman boss.
  1. A thunderstorm that forms when two storm fronts collide.
  2. (chemistry) A structure consisting of a central atom or molecule weakly connected to surrounding atoms or molecules.
    verb to complex (intransitive)
    1. (chemistry) To form a complex with another substance
    • Italian: complessare(it)
    adjective (wikipedia, complex number)
    ((compar) more complex, (superl) most complex)
    1. Made up of multiple parts; intricate or detailed.
    2. Not simple or straightforward.
    3. (mathematics) Of a number, of the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of −1.
    1. (geometry) A curve, polygon or other figure that crosses or intersects itself.
    • French: m(fr, complexe)f
    • Spanish: complicado(es)
    Etymology: From complexe, from complexus, from com- "with" (combining form of cum) and plex "fold".

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