Definitions | condom |
| noun
- A flexible sleeve made of latex or other impermeable material such as sheepskin, used as a contraceptive or as a way to prevent the spread of STD's.
Translations: - Dutch: condoom , capotje , regenjasje (jocular)
- French: préservatif , capote (slang), capote anglaise (slang)
- German: Prí¤servativ , Kondom , Prí¤ser, Pariser , Gummi (colloquial) , Fuffz´cher (East German, colloquial); Puderdose (Austrian colloquial) ; Verhí¼terli (Swiss colloquial), Ficktí¼te (vulgar)
- Italian: preservativo , profilattico , condom
- Italian, condom
- Spanish: preservativo , condón
Etymology: The etymology is not known. One theory is that it was named after its inventor, but there is no evidence for this. Another theory claims that it is a blending of the French words CONtraceptif DOMicile, which translates as "home contraceptive". Another theory says that it is from Italian guantone, from guanto (glove).
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