cutting Tweet Definition of cutting Like Definition of cutting on Facebook
  1. The action of the verb to cut.
How many different cuttings can this movie undergo?
  1. A section removed from the larger whole.
  2. A newspaper clipping.
  3. A leaf, stem, branch, or root removed from a plant and cultivated to grow a new plant.
  4. An abridged selection of written work, often intended for performance.
The actor had to make his shorter to fit the audition time.
  1. The editing of film or other recordings.
  2. Self-harm.
  • French: découpage
  • Spanish: recorte
  1. Present participle of to cut.
  1. (not comparable) That is used for cutting.
I need some sort of utensil to get through this shrink wrap.
  1. Of remarks, criticism, etc., potentially hurtful.
The director gave the auditioning actors criticism.

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