drip Tweet Definition of drip Like Definition of drip on Facebook
  1. a drop of a liquid
I put a of vanilla extract in my hot cocoa
  1. an apparatus that slowly releases a liquid, especially one that releases drugs into a patient's bloodstream (an intravenous drip)
He's not doing so well. The doctors have put him on a .
  1. (colloquial) a limp, ineffectual, boring or otherwise uninteresting person
He couldn't even summon up the courage to ask her name... what a !
  1. dividend, Dividend Reinvestment Program; a type of financial investing
    verb (drip, p, ed)
    1. to leak slowly
    Does the sink ?
    1. to put a small amount of a liquid on something, drop by drop
    After putting oil on the side of the salad, the chef should a little vinegar in the oil.
    • German: tropfen
      (trans-bottom) (trans-top, to put a small amount of a liquid on something, drop by drop)

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