family Tweet Definition of family Like Definition of family on Facebook
noun (famil, ies, -)
  1. (countable) a father, mother and their sons and daughters; also called nuclear family
"Her nuclear family was very small."
  1. (countable) a group of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom
  2. (countable) a kin, tribe; also called extended family
  3. (context, countable, biology, taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below order and above genus; a taxon at that rank
Magnolias belong to the Magnoliaceae.
  1. (countable) a group of people who live together
"This is my fraternity family at the university."
  1. (countable) a group of people similar to (2)
"Our company is one big happy family."
  1. (uncountable) collectively, people who are members of one's intimate social group
They treated me like family.
  1. (countable) music: a group of instrument having the same basic method of tone production "the brass family" "the violin family"
  2. (countable) linguistics: a group of languages believed to have descended from the same ancestral language "the Indo-European language family" "the Ural-Altaic language family"
  • Dutch: familie(nl)f
  • French: famille(fr)f
  1. related to the family
The dog was kept as a pet.
For Apocynaceae, this type of flower is a family characteristic.
    Etymology: familia, from famula, servant

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