Definitions | fascia |
| noun - pronounced: ' fa shÄ� É� ' (w:International Phonetic Alphabet for English, IPA: /fí¦Ê�ɪÉ�/)
- A wide band of material covering the ends of roof rafters in a building.
- A flat band or broad fillet; especially, one of the three bands which make up the architrave, in the Ionic order.
- A broad well-defined band of color.
- A band, sash, or fillet; especially, in surgery, a bandage or roller.
- pronounced: ' f� sh� � ' (w:International Phonetic Alphabet for English, IPA: /f��ɪ�/); plural: fasciae
- The layer of loose tissue, often containing fat, immediately beneath the skin; the stronger layer of connective tissue covering and investing all muscles; an aponeurosis.
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