Definitions | imperative |
| noun
- (uncountable) (grammar) The verbal mood expressing an order (see jussive). In English, the imperative form of a verb is the same form as that of its second person ("you") present tense.
- The verbs in sentences like "Do it!" and "Say what you like!" are in the .
- (countable) An essential action, a must: something which is imperative.
- Visiting Berlin is an .
Translations: - Dutch: must
- French: impératif
- German: Muss
- Italian: imperativo , necessario
- Spanish: imperativo
- essential
- It is imperative that you come here right now.
- (comptheory) Having a semantics that incorporates mutable variables.
Translations: - Dutch: noodzakelijk
- German: essenziell, essentiell, notwendig unverzichtbar, wesentlich
- Italian: imperativo , necessario , necessaria,
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