Definitions | import |
| noun
- Something brought in from a foreign country, especially for sale or trade.
- The practice of importing.
- (uncountable) significance, Significance, importance.
- It was a matter of great .
Translations: - German: Import , Einfuhr
- Spanish: importancia(es)f, significado(es)m
- (transitive) To bring (something) in from a foreign country, especially for sale or trade.
- (transitive) To load an file into an software application for use as a resource in a greater data file.
Translations: - Dutch: invoeren, importeren
- French: importer(fr)
- German: de(de, importieren}}, {{t+)einfí¼hren
- Italian: importare(it)
- Spanish: importar(es)
Etymology: (verb) From importare.
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