Definitions | Indonesian |
| noun
- Person living in or coming from Indonesia.
Translations: - Dutch: Indonesií«r , Indonesische
- French: Indonésien , Indonésienne , Indonésiens , Indonésiennes
- German: Indonesier , Indonesierin , Indonesiere , Indonesierinnen
- Spanish: indonesio , indonesia , indonesios , indonesias
proper noun
- The common language spoken in Indonesia.
Translations: - Dutch: Indonesisch , bahasa (slang of Indo people)
- French: indonésien , langue indonésienne
- German: Indonesisch , indonesische Sprache
- Spanish: indonesio
- Referring to Indonesia, its people, or the Indonesian language.
Translations: - Dutch: Indonesisch, Indonesische
- French: indonésien , indonésienne
- German: indonesisch
- Spanish: indonesio , indonesia
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