Definitions | insurgent |
| noun
- A rebel, guerrilla, freedom fighter.
Translations: - Dutch: opstandeling , weerstander
- French: insurgé , insurgée
- German: Aufstí¤ndischer
- Italian: insorto
- Spanish: insurgente m/f
- rebellious, opposing authority
Translations: - Dutch: opstandig
- French: insurgé
- German: aufstí¤ndisch
- Spanish: insurgente m/f
Etymology: From Latin accusative insurgentem (nom. insurgens) < Latin infinitive insurgere (to rise up against, revolt); compounded from the prefix in- (against) + surgere (to rise). Surgere is compounded from sub (up from below) + regere (to guide, direct, rule, govern, administer) < Proto-Indo-European base - reg- (to move in a straight line, to rule, guide, lead straight, put right).
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