Definitions | is |
| verb
- (third-person singular of, be
- English, be)
- He a doctor. He retired some time ago.
- Should he do the task, it vital that you follow him.
Translations: Etymology: From (Ger.) - isti (cognate with German ist) < (PIE.)
- h1es-,
- h1es- "to be". The paradigm of "to be" has been since the time of Proto-Germanic a synthesis of three originally distinct verb stems. The infinitive form "to be" is from Proto-Indo-European
- bheu-,
- b<font size=-2>H</font>eu- "to become". The words "is" and "are" are both derived from Proto-Indo-European
- h1es-,
- h1es- "to be". Lastly, the past forms starting with "w-" such as "was" and "were" are from Proto-Indo-European
- wes- "to reside". Compare Persian (fa-Arab, ) (ast).
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