Definitions | Jew |
| noun
- An adherent of Judaism.
- A person who claims a cultural or ancestral connection to the Jewish people (see secular Jew).
Translations: - Dutch: Joods &
- French: juive(fr, juif, m}}, t-, fr)f
- German: Jí¼din(de, Jude, m, t+, de)f
- Italian: ebrea(it, ebreo, m, {{t+, it)f
- Spanish: judía(es, judío, m}}, {{t-, es)f
- (offensive) (alternative spelling of, jew)
Etymology: See the article w:Jew (word), Jew (word) in Wikipedia (an etymology of the word Jew).
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| jew |
| verb
- (offensive) To bargain, to attempt to gain an unfair price in a business deal.
Etymology: From the noun Jew, by reference to negative stereotypes about Jews.
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