knock off Tweet Definition of knock off Like Definition of knock off on Facebook
noun knock-off, knockoff,
  1. (idiom) An imitation, especially one of poorer quality.
This spreadsheet program is a knock off of Visicalc.
verb (inf=to knock off, knocks off, knocking off, knocked off, knocked off)
  1. To bump or hit so that something falls off
Don't the ornament with your clumsy arms.
  1. (idiom, nautical) To quit; stop doing work or other activity. The term originated from the practice aboard slave galleys to have a man beat time for the rowers by knocking on a block or drum; when he stopped, the rowers could rest.
I think I'll for the evening and go to bed.
  1. (idiom) To kill someone
The mobsters hired the guy to their enemies.
  1. (idiom) To reduce or remove
They agreed to 20% of the price.
  1. (idiom) To steal.
They decided to a TV set from the community centre.

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