master Tweet Definition of master Like Definition of master on Facebook
  1. someone who has control over something or someone
  2. owner of an animal or slave
  3. the captain of a merchant ship; a master mariner
  4. someone who employs others
  5. an expert at something
  6. a tradesman who is qualified to teach apprentices
  7. a skilled artist
  8. (dated) a courtesy title of a man; mister
  9. a courtesy title for a boy
  10. the original of a document or of a recording
  11. (context, Filmology) The primary wide shot of a scene, into which the closeups will be edited later.
  • French: maí®tre(fr)
  • Spanish: maestro(es)m
  • German: Meister(de)
  1. to be a master
  2. to control
  3. to learn to a high degree of proficiency
  • Dutch: beheersen(nl)
  • German: meistern
  1. masterful
  2. main, principal or predominant
  3. highly skilled
  4. original
    Etymology: míÄester

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