Definitions | Mestee |
| noun
- A mixed race person, especially if mostly white in ancestry, appearance and culture.
- A member of an old mixed race group, particularly those groups which identify more with their white ancestry than with their black or Native American ancestry, like the Melungeon, Melungeons and the Brass Ankles.
- A person who is mostly white and not more than one sixteenth black.
- In the West Indies, a person who is one eighth black (an octoroon).
- Of mixed race people, especially if mostly white in ancestry, appearance and culture.
- Of an old mixed race group, particularly those groups which identify more with their white ancestry than with their black or Native American ancestry.
Etymology: Usually from mestis, "a person of mixed race" (Modern French mètis) < mixtus. Cognate with Spanish mestizo. Sometimes from w:Colonial French, Colonial Louisiana French mestif "child of an Octoroon and a white person" (15/16 white, 1/16 black), from mestif "mongrel".
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