Definitions | native |
| noun
- A person who is native to a place (literal or metaphoric).
- She is a regular Wiki
- .
- Sometimes used pejoratively against indigenous peoples by their colonizers.
- Some natives must have stolen our cattle.
Translations: - Dutch: (t, nl, inboorling, m),
- belong, Belonging to one by birth.
- This is my land.
- English is not my language.
- I need a volunteer New Yorker for my next joke"
- characteristic, Characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning.
- What are now called " Americans" used to be called Indians.
- The peoples of Australia are called aborigines.
- Characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin.
- Many artists studied abroad.
- (context, biology, of a species) Which occurs of its own accord in a given locality, to be contrasted with a species introduced by man.
- The leaf of the North American sugar maple is the symbol of Canada.
- (context, computing, of software) Written specifically to run on a particular processor.
- This is a native back-end to gather the latest news feeds.
Translations: - Dutch: (t, nl, autochtoon)
(trans-top, translations to be checked)
- French: natif
- German: einheimisch
- Italian: nativo
- Spanish: nativo
Etymology: From natus, "birth".
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