neap Tweet Definition of neap Like Definition of neap on Facebook
  1. The tongue or pole of a cart or other vehicle drawn by two animals.
  1. To trap a ship (or ship and crew) in water too shallow to move from due to the smaller tidal range occurring in a period of neap tides.
    • 1770: At 8, being high water, hauld her bow close ashore, but Keept her stern afloat, because I was afraid of Neaping her, and yet it was necessary to lay the whole of her as near the ground as possible. " w:Captain James Cook, Captain James Cook, Journal During the First Voyage Round the World, entry for 22 June 1770
adjective (neaper, neapest)
  1. Designating a tide which occurs just after the first and third quarters of the moon, when there is least difference between high tide and low tide.
  • 1934: Little groups of sailors came swinging along and pushied their way noisily inside the gaudy joints. Sex everywhere: it was slopping over, a tide that swept the props from under the city. " Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer

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