Definitions | need |
| noun
- Something needed.
- I've always tried to have few needs beyond food, clothing and shelter.
Translations: - Dutch: behoefte
- French: besoin
- German: Notwendigkeit , Bedarf , Bedí¼rfnis
- Italian: bisogno
- Spanish: necesidad
- (transitive): To have an absolute requirement for.
- Living things water to survive.
- (transitive): To want strongly; to feel that one must have something.
- After ten days of hiking, I needed a shower and a shave.
- (modal verb) To be obliged or required to.
- You not go if you don't want to.
Translations: - Dutch: moeten
- French: íªtre obligé de
- German: brauchen, mí¼ssen
- Italian: essere obbligato a
- Spanish: necesitar
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